Jude Wanniski
August 15, 2005


From: Jude Wanniski  <        
To:      Ben.S.Bernanke@ * * * * *.GOV                                               
Subject: Forbes

From: Jude Wanniski 10:41 am, 8/15/2005

You should get behind the Forbes idea, as expressed in his WSJ piece today.  Forbes would have won the White House in 1992 if he had concentrated on this issue instead of stupidly attacking Bob Dole.  Are you in touch with Connie Mack? If I were Mack, I'd come out with a variation of Steve's proposal.... Two rates, 15% and 20%, which is more or less what the Kemp Commission recommended in 1995. I tried to talk Steve into a flatter tax, but he wanted to keep it simple.  Even Hong Kong has a couple of rates.


PS  Do you get my recommended reading alerts? See the piece on Cox and Sox in the Orange County Register yesterday.... It would be great for the financial markets, bring down the gold price, etc., if the SEC could ease up on SOX enforcement.